Is it possible to stop a user from being able to apply for a course unless they are enrolled in the CLP that the course is a part of?
So if a CLP 1 has Course 1, Course 2 & Course 3 of which Course 2 needs to be applied for, if a user tries to apply for course 2 without enrolling for CLP 1, they shown as error "you need to b enrolled in CLP 1 to apply for this course?"
Would it be possible to remove the apply for this course button in the Course 2 till a user is enrolled in CLP 1?
A student can enroll in any learningpath present on site. The feature you are asking for is not present in the addon right now.
But you can restrict the users by adding the points for that particular course. So whenever user access that course he will get the points
Thank you for letting me know
If a CLP has multiple courses, one of which is a course titled "Relationship" which has the option "Apply for Course" enabled.
Is it possible that when the users enrolls for the CLP, his application for the Relationship course is automatically submitted. The course instructor can later after completion of other pre-requisites approve the application?
There are some steps in Learning Path. One of the step is student started a course.
If this is a Learning path step and you are enrolled in this Learning Path. Then you'll not automatically enrolled in the course because you have to start the course first.
Thank you for the response. Can you please help me with the other thread as well