Blank page in not logged-in users

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    Hello, I am getting a blank screen in my wplms website for not logged-in users. The error_log shows the following errors: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function vibe_get_option() in /home1/xxx/public_html/xxx/wp-content/plugins/wplms-front-end/includes/class_wplms_front_end.php on line 89 PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_is_user_inactive() in /home1/xxx/public_html/xxx/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-caps.php on line 345 PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function woocommerce_mini_cart() in /home1/xxx/public_html/xxx/wp-content/themes/wplms/header-transparent.php on line 107 PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function bp_loggedin_user_avatar() in /home1/xxx/public_html/xxx/wp-content/themes/wplms/templates/login/full_login.php on line 7 This error appeared after activating WC Vendors Plugin, however I asked for support in WC Vendors forum and I was told it seems to be something related to WPLMS. I have also asked for Bluehost support more than once, but they only advised me to deactivate some plugins to see the origin of error, which I did, so it was not of great use. They also said it seems to be something on the theme. As advised by you on the topic, I also manually updated the WPLMS Forum, but I keep getting the same error. I really need your help as this integration WPLMS + WC vendors is something I urgently need. I will make a reply where I anonymously share my credentials so you can have access the website, as I believe it is easier. Thank you very much for your support, Carlos
    As stated above, these are the credentials of my website: [email protected] Az10897413@ Attached is the error log. I am leaving WC Vendors not activated, so the white screen will not show, however if you activate the plugin it will go blank. However the error_log shows that the errors are present independently of the activated status. Thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well the above errors only pointing that the functions does not exists meaning that you have the wplms theme disabled but some of its plugins active . this "vibe_get_option()" is wplms core function . This " bp_is_user_inactive" is Buddypress core function . But the errors are telling that system was not able to find them meaning that Buddypress and the theme was deactivated . Can you please clarify what steps you took to activate the Wc vendors plugin . Have you applied any tip ? Can you please also share some screenshots of this ? Please share proper steps to replicate the issue .
    Hello, I downloaded WC Vendors plugin via wordpress plugin search and activated it via wordpress panel. However I believe this error_log could be present before, however with no interference that could be seen. One thing that was done not long ago was to create, after the website was online, a child theme by uploading the child theme files that were on the WPLMS package, because I noticed that in the future for editions it's better, to preserve customization. A freelancer asked me to copy assets and members folders to this "wplmsblankchildhtheme" folder, because of some editions on members search page I asked, in order to preserve. I am attaching a printscreen of this folders seen via ftp. Not sure if this could be making any error.   Despite this I am not seeing any special procedure that was made different. People can register normally, which happened last time yesterday 07-07-2016 (of course, the WC vendors was deactivated on that moment). I also recall a problem on the past with a plugin for videoconferencing for ( WP), after installation the website would turn blank. However I did not explore more in detail this situation, as I was not sure if there could be any incompatibility. Not sure if this is related or not to the same error. I hope you can help. Thanks!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay thanks for sharing the information then please check if the blankchildtheme is activated or not ? Also did you changed the content in head of  the child theme's style.css file ? The part that is written in the comments above is important for the child theme to recognize the parent theme . refer  : Please also share your site url , admin credentials , a valid ftp credentials in a private reply  to check the issue further at your end .
    Hi Alex, I am also looking now at this issue because it is really important for the portal. Thank you for your support. I did not change the child theme style.css, even so I uploaded now via FTP a new file directly from package. But the error mantains. :/ My credentials are: admin user: [email protected] Pass: Az10897413@   FTP Credentials: User: hellomus Pass: Az10897413@   Thanksfor your help!
    Anshuman Sahu
    I found you site to be working fine with the wc vendors plugin activated . Can you please clarify your issue again ?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Its just i cannot access the site if im no logged in . Please also refer to integrate the wplms theme with Wc vendors plugin .
    Alex, I feel we are really close to the solution of the problem. I found out had a wplms-customizer plugin that could have errors on the code, I uploaded a new one from Now, I found out this edition is very sensible, so I am trying to paste the code from before the ?>, but somehow I could not do it without leading to an error 500 (see error_log attached). As it is advised to edit the file when plugin is deactivated, I am changing the name via ftp to "wplms-customizer1" to do the trick. Then change again and activate.</span> Does it have to have a "*/" before the previous function on the file? I also tried to deactivate and delete this plugin, so that wordpress suggest this installation. I installed it, and the php file of the new wplms-customizer plugin is different. I have attached it. It does not have a ?> in the end...  Where should I paste the code? Maybe you could share with me a version of the wplms-customizer plugin already with this code of wc-vendors in it, so that it is just upload it. Or you can try to edit via my credentials, however maybe it will lead to an error and you have to upload the plugin files again to edit again. Thank you so much, I feel we are close! Attached is the wplms-plugin I am currently trying to add the code.
    Solved. I had a corrupted file as wplms-customizer.php. The blank screen disappeared after I configured all pages in Pages tab of WC Vendors. Don't know why they were not properly configuratedin options. Thank you! Carlos
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well yes the pages need to be setup when you install the Wc vendors plugin . If they are not then the system redirects to a 404 page . Initially this is an issue with the Wc vendors plugin itself .
    Yes. However, when trying to access, even with a testing user that I already put as vendor on back-end, it keeps redirecting to Vendor sign-up page. I could not see the dashboard or create products. WC vendors Support say that the user must have the role “Vendor” and nothing more. Looks like the system is using some multiple roles that is not catching that its a vendor - in this case, vendor is also participant. Do you know how to solve this or looked at this question before? Maybe there is a way in wplms of putting only one role, and not add "participant" also. Images attached. Thanks!
    PS: I changed the role to vendors normally, in Users-> Modify Role,to vendors, but the system adds always "participant" also. Thanks!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Wplms theme does not put any restrictions or something on the participant user roles . this also seems to be connected with the wc vendors plugin or some other third party plugin . To confirm this you can switch to default wordpress 2015 theme and check if it is working fine on it ?
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