bp-social-connet changes admin "Display name publicly as" to last user/account

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  • #32105
    Hi guys This is really worrying. Why does bp-social-connect changes super admin's "Display name publicly as" to a name of a Facebook user? What is more worrying it also auto fills the "Website" field of the admin profile on the wordpress users area with some user's Facebook profile. Then all pages would be shown as if created with some random Facebook user! We only have Facebook connection available. Please help. I cannot remove bp-social-connect for now unless you advise me otherwise. Thanks  
    Anshuman Sahu
    This is a known issue and we are working to  get it resolved . Can you please share screenshot of you facebook settings tab in the bp social connect settings in back end .
    Apologies for this delay. Here is the backend screenshot.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for sharing the screenshot. This is an issue as of now and we are working on it.
    This issue have been resolved? I also have this issue and doesn't know to solve it...
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well this has been a tricky for us to fix this as we do not know exactly what is the reason for this issue and in which case the error is appearing (coz it is appearing to some of the users). We are trying to resolve this issue . update will be released as soon as possible we fix this issue . Thanks for patience .
    Rahul Jain
    any update of this issue? because it is a serious one ? plz resolve it soon!!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well all the remaining fixes has been made in bp social connect except this one .We are not being able to replicate this issue whenever we test this . To be honest we face this issue a quite often  on our demo sites and do not know why this is happening . But we come to test this we are not able to replicate the issue for once but when we login as admin onb our demo site after a day or more the name of the admin has been changed . so this issue would have been fixed if we detect the proper steps to replicate and reason behind this . We are still working on this . We are releasing an update of bp social connect for the remaining issues .
    I also have this issue in my website. It is very worrying.  Do you know how to fix it? It only happens with the superadmin user?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi @GabrielVinicios , This is a pending issue still to be resolved . Right now there is no fix available for this .
    This issue happens only with superadmin user?   If yes, should I change the author of my courses to another user (that is my user too) to 'fix' this? It would resolve the problem for those who are viewing the teacher´s profile?    
    Hi @Alex, This issue happens only with superadmin user?   If yes, should I change the author of my courses to another user (that is my user too) to 'fix' this? It would resolve the problem for those who are viewing the teacher´s profile?  
    H.K. Latiyan
    Yes you are correct this is a known issue and is only for superadmin. Yes for temporary fix you are correct you can change the author of the courses to another user.
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