buddypress page

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  • #227024
    i have a problem with buddypress and WPML this is  the  arabic version  buddypress page   : https://prnt.sc/p8pn4i when i fill the blanks in french version and connect the directory page : https://prnt.sc/p8ponf then i turn it to the arabic version buddypress page i lose the arabic connected page  :https://prnt.sc/p8pqjt and the same when  i start with the arabic i lose french  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yes this tends to happen .Please follow : create all the versions of languages of your directory pages : activity , members , courses , groups Then install this plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-multilingual/ Then just switch to main language and simply connect the pages in the main language . It does not matter to connect the pages in any other languages .This will be done automatically in front end . refer : : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6swnVTT7tk
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