Bugs on loading course page

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  • #379459
    Hello again. Sorry, but the bug from this topic is not solved. Now, after that change, many users are facing this message: "Course under evaluation" if they try to access it. The only way to grant access to that course is again resetting their access. And besides, once the course has been reset, the label for the course stays in "start course" and doesn't change even if they completed the units. And the the button always redirects to the first lesson. 🤦‍♂️
    hi for this Course under evaluation if you want the course to be auto evaluated then enable the setting auto evaluation if you try to access the course after start then it always redirects to the same unit as the user were when he last access that if. you are facing the same issue even after enabling the above setting then please share details with us
    I was, but the only way to amend it was by editing bp-course-functions.php file in wplms_plugin directory and tricking WPLMS to make it believe the student is not in case "3" (under evaluation) in line 255. The plugin somehow set all old students to case "3" and prevented them from accessing the courses if auto evaluation was disabled. I'm still studying how this change affects current and old students, as every change or bug fix leads to more errors in WPLMS...
    Anshuman Sahu
    No please edit your course and set course to auto eval : https://prnt.sc/26s8ls8 secondly goto wp-admin -> wplms -> course manager -> Finished course access -> set to YES .
    It says it requires at least one quiz, and I don't have any quiz in the course.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Im sorry I could not understand where does it says?? can you please share a screenshot of it ?
    Translated: "Requires at least 1 quiz in the course".
    hi you can directly enable the auto evaluation from here: http://prntscr.com/26w3dtx it doesn't require any minimum requirement of quiz
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