my student have reset his password, and I get a email notification of that, but I find there is no place to edit this email in buddypress email setting. is there any other play to edit?
btw, I have move wplms email to buddypress.
Please go to wp-admin->lms->emails->forgot password email, and add the content there. Now this email will be send for forgot password.
but I remember that wplms 2.2 have notified me that all the email will be transfer to buddypress system, if I change the email setting in wplms, does that affect buddypress email template content?
This only means that now emails will be sent from the buddypress email template instead of wplms template. Only the template is changed not the emails.
So it won't effect any buddypress content.
Yes, but my problem is where can I edit the psw reset email?? I do not find this email in buddypress email setting.
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Yes the forget password email will go in plain text if you have disabled the wplms html emails as wordpress does not have any html email template for its email .
We will be adding a fix to send the forget password email with the wplms html emails in the next update if vibe course module plugin .
track :
I have the same problem.
We shouldn't have to run one email with LMS Email Template and others using BuddyPress (BP) Emails. Activate one and the other becomes plain text that looks unprofessional and spam-like.
All TouchPoint email notification services should be created and seamlessly synchronised.
Btw, I have created 2 topics of my own on this matter and waiting for replies/resolution.
@nealda: Please do not duplicate the topics and will continue the discussion on your topics only.