Can't find the strings for translations

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  • #71459
    Hello! It's a great theme (using the Modern child version), but I'm struggling with finding the following strings in order to translate them:
    1. When you click on a course and then choose ''Members'', it currently shows: NO MEMBERS FOUND IN THIS COURSE. Which theme/plugin file should I look into to translate this sentence?
    2. Where can I translate everything under the Activity tab? Like ''What's new,''; All activity etc etc..
    3. Where can I translate the Drive tab?
    4. Where can I translate the tabs (Members, Submissions, Stats) under the Admin tab?
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) This string is present in the wplms default theme. 2) & 4) These comes from the wplms theme and vibe course module plugin, so try translating these. 3) This comes from the buddydrive plugin itself, so try translating the buddydrive plugin for this.
    Hello, 1) Unfortunately it's not. 2) & 4) Both of these are 95% translated and cannot find the given strings. Also, where can I translate the items in the login drop? I feel like 90% of the themes & plugins have been translated, but the translations are just not showing. Could you take a look?
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Yes it is, please check : 2. Whats new and   "all activity" are  coming from wplms theme . 3. In wplms theme . 4. all these are in wplms theme . Please share your site url,a valid FTP credentials  and admin credentials to check the translation issue at your end . PS : mark reply as private while sharing .  
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    H.K. Latiyan
    Actually in the recent wordpress update, wordpress has made major changes in its translation files. Now you'll have to rename the theme translation file to vibe-en_US.po/.mo This is already resolved in the next coming update of wplms. The update will be released this week. After that all the translation files will work properly with loco translate.
    Ah, okay. So I need to change also all the translation files to vibe-language.po/.mo, correct? Edit: Tried this system, unfortunately it didn't change anything.
    H.K. Latiyan
    These issues are resolved in the upcoming update, so please wait for the update. It will be resolved in next update i.e. 2.3
    Hi again! Still stuck with the same problem and am on a tight time schedule. When is the update going to be out? :) Thank you in advance!
    H.K. Latiyan
    The update will be released by Wednesday.
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    H.K. Latiyan
    The theme pot file is located in wp-content/themes/wplms/languages folder. If the translations are not taking effect it could mean that the translations are out of sync, in this case you need to re-sync the translations. The translations can go out of sync when new strings are added in the updates, so it is very common issue with the updates. Also note that the translation files name have been updated as per WordPress 4.6 update. So earlier the translation files used to have name xx_XX.po and now the translation files have name vibe-xx_XX.po
    Hello The theme is correctly updated and the translation files have been synced (LocoTranslate), but it's still not working. I've been struggling with this issue for a month now. Could you please take a closer look because my team and I have run out of ideas of what might be wrong. Thank you in advance and I hope you can help us figure this out quickly, because the launch of the site is purely stuck behind this one problem. Edit: It seems that some translation files do work (for instance WPMLS file) and others don't. Yet they all have been synced and no errors have come up. Please help us fix this problem!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please make sure that your translation files are in this path : wp-content/languages/themes/ and their file name structure should be : vibe-pt_BR.po/mo  where pt_BR is the text domain for your language . If there is not such folder in the given path ,then create folders and then edit the language files in loco translate ,goto advanced section change the path " wp-content/languages/themes/ "  and then finally re-sync the translation files  .  
    What the..... if I change the path to wp-content/languages/themes/  then Loco can't find the .pot file. How is it that some translations do show (plugins) and the themes ones don't? Why don't you just take a look into my site I've given you credentials 3 times now. EDIT: We finally got the WPLMS translation to show with our own settings, but I personally am too scared to start changing something with the WPLMS Modern translation file since it's 95% translated and we've lost translations due to these updates at least 5 times now and no-one is going to do the double-work. So please have a look.
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