Can't find the strings for translations

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  • #76763
    H.K. Latiyan
    You can take backup and then do translation. Also if you can email us your translation files then we can add it in the theme update, this way the wplms theme will include your translation and it will not be lost after update.
    We think we finally managed to get the translations to show, but the WPLMS translation still goes out of sync and the Sync button does not help. I still can't find some translation strings (I will be adding screenshots to clarify): 1. On the Course dashboard, where to translate edit course? 2. Under Posts, where to translate Comments? 3. Under My Account, where to translate Stat, Forums and Drive (under More)? 4. Where to translate More reviews? 5. Where to translate Create a Course?
    These strings are present in the following plugin/theme. 1. WPLMS Front End 2.WPLMS Theme 3. Forums - bbpress Stat-> WPLMS Theme Drive-> is not a translation string, its the page title that you provide. So to change this please edit your drive pages from wp-admin->pages, and change the page title accordingly. 4. It seems like you are using modern child theme, this string is present in the modern theme. Therefore translate the modern child theme for this. 5. WPLMS Front End  
    2. Translation is added, doesn't show. All translation settings with Loco are correct. 3. Stat -> Did not find this tring in the WPLMS translation file. 4. The string ''More reviews'' is not present in the Modern child theme translation file.  
    2. Go to loco translator->themes->modern theme-> click on sync->find your string->add your translation->save, voila! 3. The original string is 'stats', you have customised it to stat. That's why it's not showing up in the loco translator. 4.
    2. This is getting ridiculous...During the same thread, the people answering here have written the exact same thing at least 5 times and I've responded every single time that all the settings are correct, it has been synced a million times, but it does not show. If it's that hard to go and check the issue out, then just say so. I've posted my credentials 3 times now. This issue is more than a month old and you are all still riding on the same stupid line of ''just sync it''. Come on. This should be one of the most worked-out themes and supports, but I've never had to deal so long with a simple issue like this. 4. It's not present in my translation file, but I can clearly see that LocoTranslate shows that wplms_modern.pot is in sync. So maybe just go, log in, and give us another explanation to this issue rather than ''oh just sync it''.
    Apologies for repetition. 2. You're correct. the text domain is missing in the modern theme for this. I can fix it if you can share the WP Admin credentials of your site with me. 4. Copy the trnalsation wplms_modern-xx_XX.po/mo from wp-content/themes/wplms_modern/langauges to wp-content/languages/themes/ folder.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Any update on the last 2 issues?
    2. Go to wp-content->themes->wplms_modern ->replace your course-review.php with mine. Download This file -> 4. Copy the translation wplms_modern-xx_XX.po/mo from wp-content/themes/wplms_modern/langauges to wp-content/languages/themes/ folder. This should work.  
    2. Thank you. 4. As I already said, it has already been copied to the correct location.
    4. checking...
    wp-admin->plugins->editor->wplms-customizer.php add these lines and click on update file. DONE!!!   add_filter('gettext','my_thing_translate',20,3); function my_thing_translate($translated_text, $text, $domain){ switch ($translated_text){ case 'More Reviews': $translated_text = 'Rohkem Kommentaare'; break; case 'Less Reviews': $translated_text = 'vähem ülevaateid'; break; } return $translated_text; }  
    I can see the translations now, but now the other translations concerning the Reviews have vanished! Why and how to fix it?
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