Certificate with wrong marks and/or not showing up

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  • #91512
    Hi, Today a student sent me a print screen of his certificate. The date is not showing up. The percentage of the total marks is wrong (it's 90 out of 100 and it's showing 2%). At my end, I couldn't even open the certificate when entering his account. I tried using chrome and safari. Same behavior.
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    Anshuman Sahu
    we have added some improvements in the recent version of wplms regarding certificates .Now we save the certificate as image when it is generated and next the image shows to the user instead of loading the certificate again .
    IF image is not generated properly then please follow this tip to regenrate certificate : https://vibethemes.com/documentation/wplms/knowledge-base/improvements-in-wplms-certificates/
    Anshuman Sahu
    I regenerated the certificate for that user and now the updated marks showed . Please check and confirm again .
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Well you need to visit that user profile and regenerate the certificate for her . Please check my previous reply : we have added some improvements in the recent version of wplms regarding certificates .Now we save the certificate as image when it is generated and next the image shows to the user instead of loading the certificate again . IF image is not generated properly then please follow this tip to regenrate certificate : https://vibethemes.com/documentation/wplms/knowledge-base/improvements-in-wplms-certificates/ Follow the tip above to regenerate certificate for that user.
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