change location of complete course button

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  • #195061
    Would it be possible to get the complete course button at the spot where you continuously click for next unit/quiz? screenshot I don't think it's very intuitive where it is now. Certainly when using a tablet/phone. Curious to hear/see what is possible.. Just in case when it's not possible. How do I change the colours of that button (only that specifc button)?
    Hi That option that you are asking to move the button is not possible. So for now, I am changing the color of the button with custom css code, paste the below code to Wp-admin > Appearance > Customization > custom css > publish .more_course form input[name="submit_course"] { background-color: #f4bf4d; }
    How do I change color of the text in the button? And how do I move it up a bit so that it has the same space between as the other buttons? screenshot This is the code I used thusfar: /* IN CURSUS kleur knop */ .more_course form input[name="submit_course"] { background-color: #ffd700; border: 2px solid #ffd700; } PS: I deleted the code in wp-admin/plugins/editor because I want the styling of the button to be perfect before everyone can see it. Sorry if that's unconvenient when trying to help me adjust the button.
    Hi Please add the below custom css code to Wp-admin > Appearance > Customization > custom css > publish   .more_course form input[name="submit_course"]{ background: #ffd700 !Important; color: #000 !Important; border: 2px solid #ffd700 !Important; margin-top: 10px !important; } Please check the results.    
    Great! We're almost there. Now how do I get it to move up a bit (the same distance with the other buttons) and have some more space between the yellow button and the footer? screenshot PS: How do I delete the give review button?
    Hi I am sorry but I could not able to finish your course so that I can reach to that button. I tried so many times. Can you please make somehow easier for me to finish that course. Then I able to help you.
    Dear Ava, You don't have to finish the course. The buttons are in any course once you start one... But if you feel like you need to finish a course first (don't know why), please choose this course and simply do as I do...
    Hi I needed to finish the course to see the finish button, so I can fix the distance between the all buttons. For this I need to finish the course, that's why asked. Thanks for sharing the course, but it also has some issue. Yes, I able to finish my course this time. But as soon as I finish the course, it redirect to single course page here. I did not able to see the these button at all. I hope you understood. This is just for fixing the distance issue between the button. Now to delete that button "BEOORDEEL CURSUS", Please paste the below Custom css to Wp-admin >  Appearance > Customizer > Custom Css > Publish input.review_course.unit_button.full.button{     display: none !important; }
    You are right. I have code in plugins/editor WPLMS customizer plugin that deactivates auto complete course. As soon as the buttons are configured correctly I will activate that code (see at the bottom). But your code deleted both the evaluate course button as well as the complete course button. See this screenshot. This code: add_action('init','check_finish_course_auto_trigger'); function check_finish_course_auto_trigger(){ $course_id = 0; if(!is_user_logged_in()) return; if(isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['course_id'])){ $course_id = $_POST['course_id']; } if(isset($_POST['no_ajax_course_id'])){ $course_id = $_POST['no_ajax_course_id']; if(empty($course_id ) && !empty($_COOKIE['course_id'])){ $course_id = $_COOKIE['course_id']; } if(empty($course_id)) return; global $wpdb; $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $user_retakes = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT sum(meta_value) from {$wpdb->usermeta} where user_id = %d AND meta_key in ( SELECT CONCAT('quiz_retakes_',post_id) from {$wpdb->postmeta} where meta_key=%s and meta_value=%d)",$user_id ,'vibe_quiz_course',$course_id)); if(empty($user_retakes)){ $user_retakes = 0; } $quiz_retakes = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT sum(meta_value) from {$wpdb->postmeta} where meta_key=%s AND post_id IN (select post_id from {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key=%s AND meta_value=%d)",'vibe_quiz_retakes','vibe_quiz_course',$course_id)); if(empty( $quiz_retakes)){ $quiz_retakes = 0; } $remaining = $quiz_retakes - $user_retakes; if($remaining >= 0 ){ $tips = Wplms_Tips::init(); remove_action('wplms_before_start_course',array($tips,'finish_course_auto_trigger')); }}
    Yes, that's why ask you to please let me finish the course and let be in the course pages itself without any trigger or redirect. Please share the URL of the course of that kind. So that I able to access the code.  
    I have doubled my site, so now is a test environment. THis is the shortest course: You can use the same credentials. No triggers or redirects.. Good luck
    Hi please the paste this below code instead the previous one, .more_course form input[name="submit_course"]{ display:none !important; }
    It deletes the wrong button. It should delete the evaluate course (the third button)
    Anshuman Sahu
    updated css which will remove review course button :   .more_course form .review_course[name="review_course"]{ display:none !important; } .more_course a.unit_button.full.button {margin-bottom:15px}
    Again, it also deletes the complete course button... That's not what should happen.
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