I want edit the page that apear, after the register.
I want warn the client, that the confirmation e-mail can be in span box.
Kind regards
The message that appears after the registration, you can translate it and add your own message there.
Please refer this article on translation:
CodeStyling Localization plugin, does not exist any more.
The codestyling plugin is provided in the attachment of the article that I refered you above.
You can also use loco translate plugin if you do not wish to use codestyling, refer:
I installed localization plugin but I can not find where exactly I should change the text that appears when a user finishes successfully registration.
Well that message in in wplms theme .Please edit the wplms theme language file of your language for this .
I found the message. I rescaned first and then changed it. But after registration still the original message is shown.
Can you please share your site url and admin credentials in a private reply to check the issue at your end .
Well i checked your site and found that there is no themes folder in your wp-content/languages/ folder .
refer :
Please create a themes folder in your wp-content/
languages folder .
And then goto your language edit screen and generate the mo file .
refer : http://prnt.sc/bv9q1b