I want to add "ALL" section in the course tab. before this https://prnt.sc/p6qbxz and now I want to add ALL like this https://prnt.sc/p6qccn in previous one.
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you forgot to share wp-admin url. without that, I cant use the given credentials.
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This is not possible under the new release WPLMS 4.05
Course tags, course categories and slugs are not working and there is no one available for support.
Here is the URL for all my course categories: https://www.academy.virtualx.tv/course-cat/***
The DEMO 2 looks perfectly - course categories for DEMO 2: SKATING, PHOTOGRAPHY, HAIR STYLING AND GUITAR.
However, when it comes to actual implementation, all those features which are displayed in a DEMO 2 are no longer available.
I was told that this will be resolved under the new release WPLMS 4.05 but still, this is not working.
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Sunday is support Holiday. We are humans as well and we need a day off after working for 6 days. That's why you didn't get any response from our side
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