Course Details Page Styling

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  • #23497
    I recently updated WPLMS to 2.0 (since then also 2.02) and was playing around with the new course layouts (which are great by the way).  Somehow along the way, the course page ( for any given course morphed to a strange layout (especially when you scroll down).  No matter what I set the course layout to (default, C2, etc.) it looks like this.  Right now, it's set to default. I've been trying to fix it over the last couple days but can't get it to look any different.  My bosses are testing the website early this week so I really appreciate any help with this.  Thank you!
    H.K. Latiyan
    You are using modern theme, If you are using layouts with modern theme then please remove the layouts, as the layouts don't work with modern theme. Also resave the permalinks and clear the cache. Make sure your theme and plugins are all updated.
    Yes I'm using the modern childtheme - I switched all layouts backed to default, re-saved the permalinks, and emptied all caches but everything still looks the same.  Everything is totally updated.  Is there a way to completely remove all layouts?  Thanks for your help!
    H.K. Latiyan
    Please share the admin credentials with us to check. PS: Please mark your reply as private while sharing the admin credentials.
    user: culturecornersadmin password: el+cc!mon330   Thanks!
    H.K. Latiyan
    This is happening because your template is outdated, You are using modern theme version 1.0 Please update your modern theme, the latest version of modern theme is 2.0.2
    It works now thank you so much!
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