I am creating a new course
I set the duration of course to "150" and the duration parameter to "hours".
However, on the course page on the website, it becomes "19 days", as if it has divided 150 by 24 and diplayed it in days...
I want "150 hours" displayed on the course page. How can this be done? Thanks
Well that won't be possible as of now .
It round of the time to the next closest parameter in the duration also the duration also changes when the user is added to the course coz it shows the remaining duration of the course when the user subscribes to course .
I would just like an estimation of the time needed to follow the full course, without being decreased as user follow the course (as each user can learn at his own speed).
It's a very basic feature for a LMS, isn't it ?
Okay for that please try adding the given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :
function new_vibe_custom2($course_details){
global $post;
$duration = get_post_meta($post->ID,'vibe_duration',true);
$course_details['time'] = '<li><i class="icon-clock"></i>'.tofriendlytime($duration).'</li>';
return $course_details;
It looks like it is not decrementing when users takes the course, so this point is ok.
However, it displays "6 days, 6 hours" instead of "150 hours"
How can I force it to use only hours?
Sorry this is not available as of now.
You can hire a freelancer for such customizations.
PS:Customization is not the part of theme support.
No need for a freelancer and a customization, I just needed to add a custom field, as
this page explains...
Disappointed that I had to find this by myself