Add the given code to show the course id in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :
function vibe_certificate_course_id( $atts, $content = null ) {
if(isset($id) && $id)
return $id;
return '[certificate_student_name]';
Then use " [certificate_course_id] " shortcode in your certificate .
Before suggesting anything on course CPD I want to confirm if it is ok if the SPD calculated from the time when the user started the course (click on start course button)?
Can you please clarify what do you mean by related certificate code ?
there is already a shortcode to show the certificate code.
any solution shared here will remain even after upgrades
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To change email please goto your profile -> edit :
Ok we can provide shortcode that will show the time from when she started the course (clicked on start course button) upto current time when she marked that course as finished .(clicked on finish course button) .
will that work for you ?
Sorry Im still not able to understand your query .Can you please clarify more in detail along with screneshots ?
There is already a shortcode to show the certificate code generated :
How do I get the course id for a given course. I am trying to display courses with a specific id in a megamenu sidebar with the courses widget and i tried the post id as well as the slug and it isn't working.
Well your issue is not related to this topic .Please create a separate topic and share the full details along with some screenshots on your topic .