After the last update, when we try to access the course page, it's completely messed up.
I don't know what happened.
Could you help us?
It looks like you have not updated the Modern child theme.
Please refer this and let us know if this helps :
Please make sure your all the plugins and theme is updated to latest version.
If using child theme like modern then please update it to latest version.
Yeah, I just updated both themes, and the child theme version is 1.2.
I think they are updated because some of my layouts are changed after this update.
PS: I updated both themes.
Modern child theme has to be in 2.0.2 version as well
Please check above link as to how to update Modern theme.
You were right.
I didn't know that the updated package was available only via ThemeForest, so I downloaded the wrong one. Now its working.
PS: Just one question, it seems that one part of the "Group" functionality its not working, should I create a new discussion?
Thank you!!