I train people live on Skype, they pre-read the materials and do the quizzes on my WPLMS site (STMleader.com) but then join a particular cohort. I plan them months in advance.
I would like to set up cohorts based on the start date. This would be very similar to the course "location" taxonomy but would be called something like "Start date". Can this be added?
a. Start Date is already available in Courses. And you can enable it for Course filtering as well.
b. You can simply rename "location" or "levels" taxonomy as "Start date". Use Codestyling or loco-translate plugin for this.
i need multiple start dates for the course and dont want to put up many versions of the same course on the site. perhaps you are saying i can do this now, is there a tutorial?
secondly, I have no idea how to do code styling for renaming location. Is there Skype or text support so we can work this out?
i am referring to multiple start dates
We're building Course batches addon for this.
refer more : https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/wplms-batches/
i keep hearing about Batches - I have received several notices that they will be available next week ... but they are still not available.
Every time I check the Trello page I see that there has not been any progress for weeks. Could you please let us know when you expect it to be available?