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  • #7255
    Hi, Im not sure if this can be set within WPLMS or is it w WooCommerce issue. Im using the currency of Singapore Dollar. In WooCommerce, he sign is denoted by ($). The sign for several other currency (e.g US Dollar) is also denoted by ($). How can i reflect the course pricing as "SGD" or "SG$", so students will not mistaken it as default USD? Thanks.
    Yes, this is a WooCommerce issue. We use WooCoomerce pricing function to display pricing of the course. You can confirm this  by opening the product page. You will need to contact WooCommerce support on this.
    Dear Admin, WooCommerce documentation has a solution. However i think its best i check with you first before i do anything. If the code can work, will you be able to give the instructions here how to change the currency symbol? Im sure many other WPLMS owners would like to do this too. Many thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    YOu can do you customizations in wplms customizer plugin as it never gets updated and provided for customizations  . Also we are using the woocommerce function everywhere to show prices so any change customization related to the woocommerce pricing would reflect easily in wplms .
    Hi Alex, I tried and the code from WooCommerce documentation works. We just need to go to Plugins, Editor, WPLMS Customizer Plugin, and go to the wplms-customizer.php file. Add the code from the documentation. At the line where it say: case 'AUD': $currency_symbol = 'AUD$'; break; Replace the first AUD with your current currency you have set in WooCommerce. And replace AUD$ with what you what you want to show in your site. In my case, i have SGD set as the currency in WooCommerce, and i want to show SGD as the symbol throughout my site. So the line will show: 'SGD': $currency_symbol = 'SGD'; break; The result is as attached screenshot. Hope this helps others too. Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Thnaking for sharing the tip here :)  .
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