Whenever I upload a document the students receive an e-mail. I just want them to receive a notification within the WPLMS site.
Where do I manage when to send the students e-mails?
Few questions :
Where the document is uploaded ?
Is it in the group ?
Are you using the buddydrive plugin or any other plugin ?
I just upload them under "Group" and "Documents".
What I'm really interested in is how to manage when the students receive an email and when they don't. Also when they receive an email or just a notification within the WPLMS.
Please clarify, WPLMS does not have group documents section..
Are you using this plugin :
If yes, then you'll need to consult the plugin author.
Ok, this is really a very simple question. Forget everything about documents.
All I want to know is where I change the email-settings?
My students receive emails everytime there has been a change in the course. How do I change that?
Please goto LMS -> settings -> touch points .
Here you can choose the settings for email,notification and messages for all the touch points in wplms .