I have a display problem on the site.
Everything worked well. Today I went to the wplms-> buddypress menu and changed the pagination.
It was set at 100 items per page, and I set it at 8.
I updated the all-courses page and notice all fonts have changed. The header is different. If you go to the homepage, the header looks different. All fonts of woocommerce products are different. The montserrat font was set by default.
The back end also appears in a strange way. Please, look at the photo.
all-courses page:
simple wordpress page (works fine):
homepage header:
back-end display:
https://prntscr.com/rqeuw0 https://prntscr.com/rqeuv6
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please help me, quizzes are unreadable.
In my opinion, it doesn't load some css style sheet.
we have checked this and found that css is not working here but the reason behind this can't be the changes in pagination.
i suggest you to please contact to your webhost and revert the site to the last back they have committed. this will recover the css.
Can you tell me which css doesn't work?
some of your css files are removed that's why we give you the suggestion to revert the site to the last backup.
I don't have a webhost to restore. I'm waiting for a new version of the theme. I hope next update to overwrite the corrupted css.
I don’t find correct to ask another person to solve the issue, because I pay for a support service, supposed to help me.
Anyway, if the update could solve this problem, I can wait.
there is time in the release of next update and this is the issue which is on your site not on theme.
so we need to check the same at your end not in the main theme.