Error with number of students after creating course.

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Setup issues Error with number of students after creating course.


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  • #73976

    Hello. I am facing some issues with messages sent from the dashboard. I am getting an error saying messages can't be sent. Please try later.

    Also when i create a course the system assigns members to the newly created course which is an error as it should be showing no members in a newly created course. Also the instructor is shown as a member of the course.

    Thirdly please look into my become an instructor form. It is not showing make instructor link after submission.

    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Please check if you have enabled "Private messaging" from wp-admin-> settings -> buddypress -> components . 2. Please note that the free courses gets automatically allocated to the users (no matter she is instructor or student) as soon as they open the course home page . So please check if your course is free . To disable this automatic allocation please enable "Disable auto allocation of free course" from wp-admin -> lms -> settings . 3. Please refer this topic : check reply in the last.
    Mark message options Thanks for the wonderful reply. Is there any way of marking the text messages as spam. please see attached ss
    H.K. Latiyan
    These are buddypress messages and it cannot be marked as spam. You can try searching some third party plugin which will mark buddypress messages as spam.
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