Hide download pdf embed controls – Vibe S3

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  • #281260
    Is there a way to hide the Download, Print and everything else controls from an embedded pdf of the Vibe S3 plugin This is my shortcode: [wplms_s3 duration='5' parameter='60' link='excelentia/1/Buscando la Causa Raiz_ Guia Pr - Javier Alcala.pdf'][/wplms_s3]
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well that is actually not available but we have added a filter please share your site url and admin creds along with valid ftp creds in order to do this at your end .
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Anshuman Sahu
    please try adding this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :       add_filter('wplms_s3_file_url',function($url,$link,$duration,$parameter,$user_id,$mime_type){ if($mime_type=='application/pdf'){ $url = $url.'#toolbar=0'; } return $url; },10,6);
    First of all thank you for your quick response. I would like to tell you all the details of my problem. I have inserted a pdf to a page. What I want is that said pdf is protected from downloading, or printing. With the filter that you send me, it solves the problem of the pdf buttons, but it does not solve if someone performs a right click and does the same operations (print, save, etc). In short, how do I protect an embedded pdf (using S3 or another application) Likewise, I would ask you, as a separate query, how I can restrict a page (or pages) per student of a specific course and / or specific course. The page I mention is this page: https://excelentia.pe/books/buscando-la-causa-raiz/
    Anshuman Sahu

    Well the s3 works only in this way :

    It limits the time to load that resource on user's machine .
    It loads the resource from s3 for the given duration after it stops loading the resource .So anybody who wants to download the pdf from the same link in the dom will not be able to do so after a certain duration .'

     It does not protects right clicks .you can use various third party right click protection plugin in order to protect

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