How to create a course

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries How-to & Troubleshooting How to create a course

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  • #189975
    Hello there, I've got a problem understanding how to create a course as an instructor. My webpage /course-creation is empty. Can you please help me figuring out how to give the chance to the instructors to create new courses? Thanks, Kevin


    Please refer this tutorial:

    It is a kind request, Please go through the :

    WPLMS Documentation :

    WPLMS Youtube Videos :

    WPLMS Forums :

    You will get most of the answers there.

    Also if you have queries

    Create separate topics for the separate issues.

    Please elaborate them.

    Give proper steps to replicate the issue.

    Also provide screenshots by uploading them using

    If you want to send us a video of the issue, use to upload and share url of the video.

    Let me know if it works.

    Good luck friend.

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