I finished ko_KR.po(/wp-content/themes/wplms/languages) and vibe-ko_KR.po(/wp-content/plugins/vibe-course-module/languages)
ko_KR.mo is applied, but vibe-ko_KR.mo is not applied.
How can I apply another language in course module?
Well for that please use this tip :
For the vibe course module plugin copy the file vibe-ko_KR.po/mo files in your
wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder and paste in it .(create folder if they are not in your site) .
FOr the wplms theme copy the vibe-ko_KR.po/mo file of the theme that you have prepared in
wp-content/languages/themes/ folder .
Install both the preserver and code styling plugin and then re-scan the language files to apply them .
where is the "Codestyling Localization"?
i cant fount it;
You can find the plugin in the attachment of the tip that Alex referred to.