Icon to Load Chat Interface to opening chat window

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  • #357835
    Hello WPLMS, Here is a short video of the issue we're facing https://vimeo.com/551753021/197154a49d Here are the notes from the text file in the video. We try an incognito user Let's try the entire log in process and see the errors if any No error and still not loading Thank you
    Scott Lang
    Please share your admin credential with the site URL with us in a private reply.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Scott Lang
    Checked, The chat window not working using my own credential at your site. Checking your issue.
    Scott Lang
    Fixed at your end check this https://prnt.sc/137n4y1 The user needs to log in will fix the issue.
    Hello @Scott, Thanks for addressing the issue. Could you kindly expound a little as to what you did to make it work? Regards, Jevaughn TBU Support
    Scott Lang
    Issue is related to firebase auth which is fixed after login. Let me know if we can close this thread. If you have any other issues please create a topic and let us know.
    Hello Scott, Thanks for resolving this matter. You can close this topic. Jevaughn TBU Support
    Scott Lang
    Ok, we are closing this thread. If you have any other issues please create a topic and let us know.
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