Hello there,
I did not know where to send this, but i corrected the language files for the course module in spanish, i replaced the files in my instalation and all was looking good , i send you so you can update your spanish users and you cal let me know when there is open strings to translate, you might want to add this plugins to the WP plugin directory and make it available for translations, i do the translation of serveral plugins and WordPress es_CO
I hope it is of help
ok did not work the upload you can let me know where to send the language files
You can mail us the language files at vibethemes@gmail.com
Set the subject to "spanish translation files for wplms" and send the mail.
I will update the files this week because i miss some strings and then send it back to you i hope is ontime before your next release so you get all strings tanslated
Ok thanks for the update.