Hello again!
I wanted to ask some questions about the Dashboard and the login to the Dashboard:
- From what we have seen when you start a Course, assignments can only be uploaded in jpg format, is that correct? Shouldn't they also be able to be uploaded in pdf, word, ...? Is there a way to change it?
- Can we remove the camera icon from the Courses program? (see https://prnt.sc/ybkelv)
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for this
assignments can only be uploaded in jpg format, is that correct?
no, at the time of the creation user can select the assignment type the user can select multiple types like pdf, doc, png, jpeg, etc
for this yes with the help of CSS if you want
– We can’t find where to put a logo here https://prnt.sc/yblc16 Is it possible?
yes not available
– When you logout, this page appears https://prnt.sc/ybigal Where can we change it so that the homepage appears?
yes from here
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Hi again,
1-For the format of tasks, You can set any type when creating assignments in
currriculum . Check this -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LOdRt8Whc9dJVosLpne09vWtS4F9CD4_/view
2- To hide this regester here text on login popup add this code in appearance>>customize>>custom css
#vibebp_login_wrapper .login_popup_content .extra_details {
display:none !important;
Hello Ada!! What a more efficient Monday you have! :)
The css to hide the regester popup works perfect!
About the format of the tasks, let's see the video that you give us and I will confirm you if everything is ok!
Thank you very much for all your help and patience! We really appreciate it because sometimes we feel very "lost" with the Dashboard! <3
good to know that solves the issue
yes please let us know if you face any issue then