hi @abdelrazek,
first of all, I request you to please create your own topic because to check your issue if we want your's admin credentials or page URL of your site then an Email sends to the person who creates this topic with your credentials either you send them as a private reply which is not good.
so for security purposes always create your own topic.
here is the link for how you can create your own topic: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/how-to-create-a-support-topic-in-new-wplms-forums/
Tip: For better support always share a screenshot:
Please provide the proper screenshot, use https://prnt.sc/ to upload and share the URL of the screenshot.
If you want to send us a video of the issue, use https://screencast-o-matic.com/ to upload and share the URL of the video.
and for sharing your admin credentials always send them as a private reply by using this:http://prntscr.com/qicf9i