Member Signup – 1 MIN+ lag time

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  • #104700
    Hi on my website for some reason when I signup for a new account it is taking over 1 minute to generate the account.  It is killing the user experience. I am pretty sure it is not my server but it could be   is there a way to run a test to detect the issue? and/or have you seen this happen before? and/or do you have any ideas on a solution? thanks, Justin  
    H.K. Latiyan
    When a new user is created then a lot of queries are executed in backend. If you are using some plugin which are sending emails or notifications or messages when the new user is created then it also affects the time. It also depends how strong your server is in executing the queries. In a normal scenario the time to create new user is about 10 to 20 seconds (given there is no extra queries running except for the required ones).
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