MYCRED and WOOCOMMERCE integration

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  • #40309
    I’m using Woocommerce and MyCred, I want to create 3 points packages (20 point= 10 €, 50 points= 20 € 100 points= 35 €) and users can buy them with Paypal, credit cards and bank transfers. Then I want sell through my site digital products whose prices are displayed only “in points”, they should decrease with sales and  if not sufficient users can buy another package to integrate points. Could you kindly help me setup the plugins as I wrote above? I'm not clear which gateways to use, both Woocommerce and MyCred have gateways. Then are points packages registered as store items/ products? I read all your tutorials but I need a step by step guide, screenshots to verify if what I’m doing is right. Thank you so much.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well selling the pints through woocommerce is possible in mycred plugin . refer : Please also refer: in then end of the above video we demonstrated on how to sell the points through woocommerce . But selling the woocommerce products with points is not possuble with the mycred as of now . Please refer : Please further contact mycred plugin support if you want this feature.
    Hi This is possible in MyCred and I have activated it now. Just go to Add-Ons in MyCred and activate the Payments Addon. Lo!! The MyCred Gateway is activated in WooComemerce. This is actually a very good way of standardising everthing into one transaction of only Points. Cheers!!  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi, @zatakk Thanks for your reply.
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