I know at the moment it's not possible to autoplay video to next unit after finish previous unit, like Udemy has. But this is extremely valued feature to have. I use Udemy myself as student and it's really amazing when you can relax and just watch few videos playing in a row, and stopping only if student interaction is needed.
I know student has to mark "Unit Complete" for now, to be able to go to next unit. I think this could be looked at to overcome this request, or implement it in different more flexible way. Maybe theme could auto mark if student stopped video manually. I would leave it up to you. But please could you advice when this autoplay next would be available? If I need to hire you in private to do the programming, how much that would cost?
But I hope it would pay off much better if this update would be public for everyone. Thanks
Okay ,
Please enable the " Enable Auto mark complete unit when vimeo video finishes" from wp-admin -> lms -> settings .
please try adding this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :
add_action('wp_footer',function (){
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function (){
jQuery('body').find('.course_progressbar').on('increment',function (){