Is there any way for students to share their videos and images on their profile? I would like the students to have their portfolio and show their work.
Hello mc_deimon ,
yes by using buddy drive in wplms they can upload anything.
here is a glimpse of buddy drive -
Hello! But I wish it wasn't necessary to download the files to see them. That could be seen without downloading. I also wish that the students could add a vimeo or youtube link as can be done in the "activity" section. The interesting thing is that when a user entered the profile of another user could see a Portfolio section with images and a video link (Youtube). How can I get something like that?
Thanks for the recommendations. I tried those two plugins but Rt Media didn't work well with the theme and BP protfolio doesn't allow you to add video links.
I have seen
Youzer - Buddypress Community Plugin and it seems that it has everything I need. Is it compatible with WPLMS?
you could use any plugins of your choice. wplms is fully scalable to adopt the any plugin.
I have seen this conversation where it is said that the plugin (Youzer) is not compatible with WPLMS.
I hope it can be used soon.
A greeting.