Hi there
We have just updated the theme and the page corresponding to Courses has been completely deconfigured ... It also don't let us edit it in Elementor ... How can we make it look like before?
Thank you,
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may I know are you using an old plugin(version3 plugins) or version 4 plugins?
if you are using version 3 plugins
then select the layout and if you are using version 4 plugin
then use the course directory block in the page
Hello Veronica! We have version 4 ... but I can't find what you mean by "use the course directory block in the page" ... I don't see any of that: https://prnt.sc/yuqte5
yes please edit the page with elementor and then search for course directory>>add the directory there and it will start showing all course page properly
Hello Veronica,
When I try to edit with elementor this view appears https://prnt.sc/yym3d7 and if I click on "Courses (Page)", this error message appears: https://prnt.sc/yym4wo ... so I cann't edit anything
for that please remove the page from buddypress>>pages>>remove all course page from there save the settings>> edit the page>> then add the page in buddypress pages section
Hi Veronica. The page looks good again... but only if I leave the "Courses" section with "Nothing". See -> https://prnt.sc/z3bs0s
Is it important that the Course page is marked in Buddypress? or Can it be like this?
in the BuddyPress section, the page with the course directory should be connected
Hi Veronica, the problem is that if I connect it, the page gets deconfigured again ... I don't know how to fix it
In the buddypress course directory page should be connected.
Like this https://prntscr.com/z75980
Now see your course page. it does not get deconfigured.
Wow, Ada, how you fixed it.
Thank you so much for your help! <3
Closing ticket then :)
Thank-you :)
Closing this ticket.