Profile menu under LMS settings not working properly

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  • #268804
    Makarand Mane
    Hi Profile menu under LMS settings not working properly wp-admin/admin.php?page=lms-settings&tab=general&sub=profile_menu When I reorder menu here there are not coming in same order on user profile. Dashboard menu coming after 4th menu
    Hello, I can see on your website that dashboard menu is at first position , If there is any issue share screenshot and admin credentials in private reply, Thanks,
    Makarand Mane
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    Makarand Mane
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    @makarand, Please try The above plugin is tested and it will work for changing the profile tabs position If the above plugin does not work according to your requirement then you can try this code function change_profile_tabs_order() { global $bp; $bp->bp_nav[‘settings’][‘position’] = 10; $bp->bp_nav[‘activity’][‘position’] = 20; $bp->bp_nav[‘friends’][‘position’] = 30; $bp->bp_nav[‘groups’][‘position’] = 40; $bp->bp_nav[‘blogs’][‘position’] = 50; $bp->bp_nav[‘messages’][‘position’] = 60; $bp->bp_nav[‘profile’][‘position’] = 70; } add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘ change_profile_tabs_order’, 999 );   Make sure the quotes should be like this: Otherwise it will throw error
    Makarand Mane
    Hi Diana Adding too many plugin for simple work is really idiotic way & make project bulky to maintain. Second Do you mean settings came in your theme is useless. wp-admin/admin.php?page=lms-settings&tab=general&sub=profile_menu What happened to bug I reported above?
    @makrand, To move dashboard at the first position will be possible by clicking "Reset Settings". No need to hit on save With the above-shared code you can actually fix the dashboard menu position as well. Yes, I can see that changing the position there is not affecting similarly in the frontend. That's why I shared two alternatives above.
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