Hey there :)
When I try to generate report from LMS - Statistics - Download statistics in the generated report shows me only the results for the first 21 students. How can I view the statistics for the others?
Please help, is urgent! Thanks in advance!
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Most of the students are self-subsribe.
Best regards,
Is there a chance that the statistics are saved?
I checked the code and found only those students statistics will be download who completed the course and got the marks.
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I need to replicate the same on my test setup that it is working or not so I can assist you better.
Please ping me back tomorrow
Ok. I will write again tomorrow!
Hi there!
Have you managed to find resolve the issue?
Best regards,
I have tried with both methods by manually adding the students or the students already subscribed to the course.
In both the cases, it is showing the stats of students(all data). It means the code is working fine.
The cells are blank in the csv because according to the logic the code didn't find the data.
If you want I can check this issue by manually adding some students in the course and then check the stats are proper or not.
First, update your theme as well as your plugins to the latest version by using manual update method and then check again
Yes, please check it!
Where there is no data I have in the cells "N.A." so I can't find the logic of the blank cells. Also I tried to manually add a student. I can see the time on the course page, but it isn't downloaded in the statistics?! Refer: https://prnt.sc/kvpzr1
I need your FTP credentials as well to debug the issue
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