Am I posting website issues in the correct place. Since this website moved I don't see where to create a ticket?
Something has to be wrong with the course module plugin once a student submits a quiz it doesn't do anything else _check results does not come up.
I have not added or done any special customizations since this problem started 36 hours ago. Need help asap. I have students calling every 30 min checking on quiz results. please help
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Have you installed any third party plugin lately, try deactivating it.
Or check for any js error on the page and try deactivating all third party plugins and let us know if this helps.
I have not added any third party plug ins. I can't keep having this problem with the website and not getting any support for days. I have had the ticket issue on your old forum support and it never gets resolved . It must have something to do with the vibe course module because it happens when students go to submit their quiz and it freezes.
Please log into my dashboard and see why this is happening. Your are vibe themes Support. If you can't help your customers with problems on the site who can help.
I know I'm not your only customer but it has now been 3 days. i have made no changes to my site and need this problem resolved. Please help
When I checked for Java errors in safari this is what it says
[Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (mediaelementplayer.min.css, line 1, x2)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: ; (course-status, line 498)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) (admin-ajax.php, line 0)
I don't know what this means or how to fix it???? Please help