I'm using WPML plugin for translation.
When I login in, the flags of the languages I'm using in translation disappear.
Many thanks.
Try adding in menu: https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/language-setup/language-switcher-options/
Yes, I have it on the menu. and it appears for me just fine.
But, my issue is that when I log in with a user account, whatever its role was, the language switcher that I put in the menu disappear completely.
Actually, it appears in the page load and disappear immediately afterwards
Can you please give me a day so I will let you know after checking, because it is visible on our demo
I checked everything but no idea why on first load the flags appear, but after page loads completely it is invisible again.
Can you please for once contact WPML support forum, if they can help us with something