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  • #276403
    Hello, I created an unit and I put a video in this unit. I have attached it to a course which is attached to a product. With a test account, I bought this product, but when I click on the "program" tab, I cannot see it and this tab does not become active. Please what can I do? Thanks
    Woocommerce has functionality that until and unless the order status is not set as complete. It will not consider it as a successful order. Check here: http://prntscr.com/tmbnp1 And mark the order complete only then it will be visible
    Now I see the video, but it was a check option in the LMS settings.   when I am logged in as a student, I must click on my account, yes on order, then see the order and finally on the name of the course to access the videos of the course. How to put in the top menu a direct link to the courses?   Also, I see the name of the course, but when I click on it I have a blank, how do I correct that? But if I click just below on see details, there I see the course text and video. Thanks
    Not possible to add the course in the top menu because the purchased courses will be different for everyone and this cannot be coded to show the menus accordingly
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