Hello vibethemes team,
In unit links the video first load and after 1/2 seconds then dissapears. Example:
may i know the versions of the theme and plugins(vibebp and wplms)
Theme: 4.095.1
Vibe BP:
WPLMS plugin: 1.4.7
just tried to check your site but there are many courses and units
so please can you provide the exact course/unit URL to replicate it
give me permission to create a new one to check the same
Every Unit with vimeo video has the issue. Example:
the delay in response due to support holiday
please deactivate the third party plugin one by one and then check the same
it's a third party conflict please check and confirm
OK, conflict with plugin: ARVE Advanced Responsive Video Embedder
Thank you!
thanks for confirmation
as it is resolved now
closing this one