Originally which is correct in course duration? --- 9999 or 0 (if using woocommerce membership)
HI I would need some time to check where this course reset is happening . Meanwhile please control the duration of students from course admin .
refer :
Thanks Alex!!!.
As you told me, I have checked "EXTEND SUBSCRIPTION"
Default is 'Enter extend amout (in Days)'
I have not changed the value.
Thank you for taking care.
It's 3 o'clock a.m. in Seoul in Korea.
The time difference between you and me is 12 hours.
Actually in your place, this is a trivial matter. But as for me, this is important because
the education regulation of Korea is very strict.
Help me just a little insofar as it is
And sorry for troubling you. Alex
This reply has been marked as private.
The problem is solved.
Fundamentally My LMS setting was wrong.
Sorry for troubling you and thank you for taking care of my trivial matter until now.
The staff of WPLMS is best of best!!!
Alex! I pray for your good health.
Once more Thank you Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!