Our WPLMS site has two languages set with the WPML plugin. We, however, have a problem with the second language. Default language is English and everything works fine with it. Our second language,which is Finnish, has one problem. When a Finnish course is created the quizzes don't work. Units and sections work but when the quiz is attached to the course, the user can't finish it (no "quit quiz" button). Could you help me with this problem? Thanks in advance. I can share admin user/password to the site if that helps.
Please check if you have translated the text " Submit Quiz" in vibe course module plugin or in theme .
Please try re-translating it .
Also share screenshot of the issue .
Checked it and "Submit Quiz" was already translated I also re-translated it. Still there is no "Submit Quiz" button (check screenshot). There is only "Start Quiz"(Aloita koe) button.
Here's the site link if you need it:
Test course (quiz don't work):
Admin user:
username: admin
password: admin
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is a js error in your site .
Can you please try updating your wplms theme and re-check the issue .
To update please refer :
To find Buyer api key and username refer:
Amazing that did it! Thanks for the great support.
Thanks for confirming, so marking the topic as resolved and closing the topic.