In this tip we will add Gender and Location fileds in the ajax registration form :
Please refer the code and add it to the wplms-customizer.php file at the end and before “?>” in wplms customizer plugin :
add_filter('vibe_projects_registration_fields','wplms_modern_custom_registration_field'); function wplms_modern_custom_registration_field($fields){ $fields[] = array( 'label'=> __('Gender','wplms_modern'), 'placeholder'=> __('Enter Name','wplms_modern'), 'id'=> 'Gender', 'field' => 'select', 'options'=>Array('Male'=>__('Male','wplms-modern'),'Female'=>__('Female','wplms-modern')), 'validation'=>'', 'set' => 'core', 'class'=> 'form-control no-border', 'extras'=> array('data-parsley-trigger'=>'change'), 'required' => 1, ); $fields[] = array( 'label'=> __('Location','wplms_modern'), 'placeholder'=> __('Enter Name','wplms_modern'), 'id'=> 'Location', 'field' => 'text', 'validation'=>'', 'set' => 'core', 'class'=> 'form-control no-border', 'extras'=> array('data-parsley-trigger'=>'change'), 'required' => 1, ); return $fields; } add_action('vibe_projects_user_registered','wplms_modern_process_custom_fields',10,2); function wplms_modern_process_custom_fields($fields,$user_id){ if(!empty($fields['Gender'])){ if(function_exists('xprofile_set_field_data')){ xprofile_set_field_data('Gender', $user_id, $fields['Gender']); } } if(!empty($fields['Location'])){ if(function_exists('xprofile_set_field_data')){ xprofile_set_field_data('Location', $user_id, $fields['Location']); } } }
Please note the strings “Gender” and “Location” from buddypress xprofile and provide the type also in the above code according to your field type .
like in above code for location ‘field’ => ‘text‘ and ‘id’=> ‘Location‘,
Note that the Gender is a select box type for this you need to add a “option” element in array like this in the above code :