WPLMS Multisite & other questions

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    Hi all, got my WPLMS installed in a WP-Multisite setup. I followed the multisite setup instructions but I still have a few questions just to make sure I am doing the right thing before going into production mode.  Note: I am using a WPLMS child theme for each site in the network.
    1. Is there any plugin which needs to be network activated ?  or all of them should be activated within each site?
    2. what's the best way to DUPLICATE a network site ?  (I will have a general setup for all sites and would like to be able to duplicate keeping all settings and users).
    3. how can I make the registration form look better ?
      1. is there a way to COMPLETELY remove the UNITS within courses ? (not just hide them for students)
      2. can i setup an EMAIL REMINDER to let students & instructors know their class is starting in X days / hours ?
      3. do you have a code I can use to allow FRONT-END instructor assignment to course (using co-author plugin) ?
      4. how can I disable the "create course / edit a course" for Instructors, but still be able to assign an Instructor to a course using the co-author plugin ?  (if i edit the Instructor role and remove "edit posts" feature, I no longer see the Instructors in the co-author plugin when i search for them).
    @razvan.stoichita, 1. No there is not any specific plugin to be network activated. 2. You can use the third-party plugin for that. 3. You can use custom registration form for this. 4.(a) Yes, there is an option to remove the units from the curriculum and then you have to save that curriculum. Edit your course in frontend and remove the unit:https://prnt.sc/j2qpcr (b) Sorry, this is not available to send email reminders in wplms. (c) Didn't understand this part. (d) But if a user is an instructor of a course then he has the rights to edit that course.
    Hi Diana, please consider the following for the questions above: 2.  I tried using third party plugins, but it seems the existing users cannot log in to the duplicated site.  Do you guys know of a third party plugin which works good for this? 3. I know I can customize the fields, but how can i make it prettier ?   do you have some examples of CSS for a better looking registration form ? 4b. There are some kind of triggers (touch points?) in the settings. Can I use these to create a new trigger that sends an email to the instructors / students in a class to let them know the starting time ? 4c.  So right now I am using the co-Author plugin to assign multiple instructors to a class. But I need to be able to do this on Front-end.  I am the superadmin of the website, but will have another user role (School-Manager) defined with privileges to assign instructors to a class. They only have Front-End admin rights. No back-end. 4d. I know by default the Instructor can edit the class. But we are developing a site where we only have offline classes.  In our case, the Instructors will only teach the class at a specific location and take presence of students. Nothing else.   Someone else ( a School Manager) will issue certificates/edit the course.  So in order for me to block the instructors to access the "create course/edit course" page, I went into the Role Editor (i have the premium plugin) and disabled "edit_posts".    But, once I do this, the plugin co-author will not show ANY instructor, when an admin is trying to assign an instructor to a class.  How can I disable the create-course / edit course for Instructors, but still see them in the co-author search box when I assign them to a class ?   Thank you, Raz.
    @razan.stoichita, 2. I am sorry but we didn't use any third party plugin which works better for your requirement. So could not suggest you. 3. You can use the BuddyPress registration templates. But this is a part of customization. 4(b) You can create a feature request. If this request gets max upvotes we'll implement this feature. 4(c) Co-Author Plugin with front-end access rights is not available in wplms as of now. 4(d) Need to check whether it is possible or not Please ping me back to check this
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