Waiting for admin approval

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  • #202188
    Hi, I would like to disable email activation and manually activate the accounts. I have selected the necessary option in LMS -- settings -- registration forms -- instructor and recruiter form. After registration, I should see the message "waiting for admin approval" but it stays on the same page and keep rolling. Kindly assist.
    Hi, No response in 24 hrs. I have to show the same message for both user types - 1) users with activation email 2) users with admin approval How can I print "waiting for admin approval" message for option 2 users? I can see only one email template in the registration form options.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Apologies for the delay in response . We are receiving a lot of queries these days . Well as you said it just sits and keep on loading for the instructor register form . Could you please share the url of the page where your instructor registration page is , admin credentials and a valid ftp credentials to check the issue at your end . PS : please mark reply as private while sharing . Whenever sharing WP Admin or FTP details with Support Staff, please create a temporary account or change the password after the task.
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    Ok, thanks . Give us some time to check. We will infirm you with solution.  
    Hi, Kindly investigate asap, as the message for "admin approval" accounts is not coming so I had to use the default message for all accounts, which is about email activation.
    Hello, this is working at my end. there is no infinite rolling at all. Refer: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cqfVlHZctd if you want to change this messge "CONGRATULATIONS ! YOU HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY REGISTERED, PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL TO ACTIVATE THE ACCOUNT" into "waiting for admin approval" then translate this message in wplms shortcode plugin.
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    Hi, Thank you for your response. Alright, so now no email will be sent to instructor and recruiter registration. But, when the admin approves the respective account don't you think the instructor or recruiter should be intimated with an email ? that they can now login to their account as it is approved by the admin. Also what about the message (one screen message) we should get once we login with instructor or employer? we don't see any message it sticks with the same page when we click on register button (after filling up the form).
    Hello, Yes there is a welcome mail setting in wplms. please refer this tutorial: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/welcome-emails/
    Hi Team, The Loop Whole still exists. I am still receiving activation email for those users who are registering with "Disable activation email and manually activate account" option. Also, I am talking about below message, I would like to show different message for users registering with "Disable activation email and manually activate account" option. https://paste.pics/f7aef157585c52e668eb8a8f13cf8fc8 I have created one more email template, but it is not listing in the email section of the registration form.
    Hello, PLease share the page url and credentials in a private reply i will check this on your website. Also share the registration form url on which issue is appearing.
    Hello, For the email thing install loco translate plugin and translate the text. Refer this: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cqfoikZYE7 The registration page string is coming from vibe shortcode plugin.
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