Hello, :)
Is it possible to have the text
in the yellow bars at this page to be responsive? Because I don't like the look now.
yes we can make it responsive
but I would like to request you that please remove the custom code related to that:
as it is conflicting with the testing code you can let us know the code that you will remove and all the other info like the background/text color you want
I can't seem to find the code in either custom css, customizer plugin, front-end customization or in WPLMS Google Footer code.. Where could it be?
hi this is coming from the page builder you are using
It isn't possible to just have the yellow bar at the pages that are course elements/quizzes/etc? What can I do?
But, if we can't get this done. Then I have one question left. Have a look at this:
video. How can we hook the yellow bar to the element/quiz so that it doesn't jump down after clicking NAKIJKEN?
sorry but we are unable to understand your query here
can you please elaborate this
After clicking NAKIJKEN the page loads the correct answers and gives feedback but it also moves the yellow bar down. Have a look at the video, pay attention to the position of the yellow bar, it drops: http://somup.com/cr6jlt3lrp
so you want to stick the bar?
because that is not good
as it moves according to the size of the quiz/unit etc
Btw, all your mails get in my SPAM. Even after telling gmail that it's not SPAM. Just saying...
Can't you stick it to the H5P quizframe? So that it always sticks at the bottom of the frame? Instead of fixed on the website page..
yes with CSS let us know the custom code that you are using for this right now
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Can't we delete the extra block? https://prnt.sc/1vyqbu9
And can we then stick it to the H5P wrapper? That we we delete the empty space between H5p en next/prev block
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Thanks, Veronica. That video was very clear. Problem is that it still skips when I click NAKIJKEN (check answers). Have a look: http://somup.com/cr62I53rtv