Amazon S3 Library error

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  • #91250
    Purchased and installed you S3 plugin earlier today. I have successfully created a bucket on S3 and uploaded files to it. I am not able, however, able to access and insert S3 files into my site. When I click on "Amazon S3 Library" in the media chooser, I get the following error message: S3::getBucket(): [TemporaryRedirect] Please re-send this request to the specified temporary endpoint. Continue to use the original request endpoint for future requests. - /home4/engberg/public_html/ Code: 0 I have tried making the files public and removed "" from the WPLMS S3 setting panel. Neither helped. Thanks in advance for your help!
    You can disregard this request for assistance. Problem solved.
    H.K. Latiyan
    ok, Thanks for the update so closing the topic.
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