BBB Meetings not showing inside de Unit

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  • #339666
    Hi, BBB Meetings only open in a new tab of the browser. They do not open inside PWA. It is not working neither in to the area of "My meetings" or inside a Unit. Watch this video please: Also, it seems passwords (moderator / assistant) are not working. I mean, the system is not asking the password to the student. Look this picture: Please help.
    Scott Lang
    1- The password is not asked to join the meeting it is used internally for meeting creation. 2- Meeting will be open in a new browser as it is not supported in Iframe/same tab. 3- To access the meeting you have to share the meeting with shared type shared/group/course or create a meeting and use add-in-unit then the only unit user can access the meeting. Is your join the meeting URL not working? then you can check with two users instructor and a student. if you have other doubt then let us know.
    1- Nice. 3- That is very clear. Every thing is working fine at my side in this matter. --- 2- This point Two is the one to get me a little confused. Why in your tutorials the BBB meeting reproduces inside Unit, as an iframe? (See minute 4:38)
    Scott Lang
    BBB Iframe is not supported which causing an issue for vibebp For this solution open in new tab feature added which also records activity.
    Hi @Scott It would have been nice to have it played inside, but I get the point. Thanks for the explanation. You may close this thread.
    thanks for your confirmation closing this topic
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