Broken Images – Remove Right Click

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  • #101838
    hi, First : I Installed the s3 plugin the videos Works Fine but the images are always Broken -------- Second : i want to prevent users from right click my videos and download it as easy as that Thanks
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) Please try making it public and try accessing it, let me know if you are able to access it or not. Also share the shortcode you used to add the image. 2) Yes its showing the save option but try saving the video, it won't save.
    1) Making it Public Showed it Correctly, So am i Really have to make every picture i upload public From amazon Dashboard ?? Hereis my shortcode : [wplms_s3 duration='5' parameter='60' link='blanoia-academy/1/2017-03-11_11-20-42.jpg'][/wplms_s3] 2) Clicking on Save Video actually Saved it
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Well your bucket name contains hyphen in it ( - ) .Please create a bucket without any special chars and upload an image in this bucket and check this again . 2. Wplms s3 does not restricts the right click save as property of browser .It just restrict the amount of time that will be allowed to the browser to download the resource from amazon .The duration param in shortcode :  duration='5' parameter='60' means that  the file resource will be loaded by the browser for just 5 minutes .after that resource will not download .Also the source link of the resource is dynamic so it wont be easy to share . To eliminate right click save as you can try using the third party plugins or some other video player plugins instead of wordpress .
    1) i will try using different name bucket 2) Can You Please Recommend Me any other video player plugin instead of wordpress
    Well, 1) For The Images i tried another bucket with no "-" in it's name and it triggered the same problem i must make the image  public to show up correctly So Please Tell Me What's Wrong 2) For The Videos Player - never mind - i will just use a plugin to prevent right click Thanks :)
    Anshuman Sahu
    1 . Working fine at my test setup . can you please share your site url and admin credentials in a private reply to check this issue at your end ?
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    Anshuman Sahu
    This reply has been marked as private.
    thanks it works What a nice Touch :D  
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