BuddyPress Social Connect

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  • #182437
    BuddyPress Social Connect is not working with the facebook api and google api. http://www.globalstd.com/cursos/ We put the right credentials and enable the API's, but it doesn't works. https://prntscr.com/lcggr3 Thanks for your support.
    Anshuman Sahu
    seems like something is wrong with your fb app setup .. simply create a new fb app just create and put the app id and app secret in bp social connect settings . dont do anything else in fb app .   for google please change redirect uri settings in your app setup . put your home in uri redirect settings : http://prntscr.com/lcpnh1  
    Hello, apparently the login with facebook is working but it has some bugs, when the user try to register with facebook nothing happens but if you refresh the site you are logged in with facebook account. Then with google I put the Uri settings in my app setup but still doesn't works: Example image here https://prnt.sc/lg3g9m
    Anshuman Sahu
    Facebook issue : I guess the issue is appearing due to some kind of caching .The page is cached somewhere and same home page appears .   for google please refer : http://prntscr.com/lg7cp2    
    Thank you Alex, I think with facebook we are done, Google: I remove the characters that you show me in the image, but when I try to login with google it shows this: Error Image https://prnt.sc/lgdshh
    Anshuman Sahu
    do the same changes(put this url : https://www.globalstd.com/cursos/ )in your cleint uri setting in wp-admin -> settings -> bp social connect -> google .
    It works now! thank you Alex :D this ticket can be closed.
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