Course Subscription Periods Incorrect

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  • #340240
    Hello there, We Define Courses To Our Students. We Have Defined 10 Courses At The Same Time. We have given 15 days for these courses. After 1 week, it seems that users have different durations on their systems? How can this be? The completion times of the trainings we defined at the same time are different? Shouldn't they all be the same?
    The course subscription counts when student enroll in the course Suppose, A course has duration for 3 days. Student A enroll in the course on the very first day, and Student B on the third-day of student A So remaining time for Student A will be 24 hours whereas for student B it is 3 days
    When we add a woocommerce order; For student A; Enroll in X, Y, Z Courses. The duration for these courses is 15 days. When We Add Student B; Enroll in X, Y, Z courses. The duration for these courses is again 15 days. Students A and B ordered at different times. Therefore, the time to finish the courses should be different. The problem; For A or B student, the completion times of X, Y, Z courses are different. Must Have: 15 days sequentially for X, Y, Z courses; 14,13,12,11 days or weeks & hours. However, different durations appear in X, Y, Z courses. Our problem is EXACTLY THAT!
    Yes, it should work in this way. If someone purchased course on second day then his count starts from that day If you can share a screen recording for the same, that would be great. I can replicate in same manner
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    Thank you for sharing all the details. Working on your site and resolving all the issues. These look like configuration issues. 1. Expired courses should show expired time. 2. White screen while continuing course could appear because of incompatible plugin. 3. Multiple Reload of dashboard page ---
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    Reminder, if this is urgent pelase update here.
    Hello there , Problem 1: You stated that, We give our students time to finish the Lessons. This period is 15 days. We add orders manually in Woocommerce. ---> I am adding an order from woocommerce as admin. Thus, the duration of the course begins. However, some students seem to have different days and times for some courses. whereas I added the lessons at the same time. some seem to have 2 hours left, some seem to have 4 hours left. Is this method wrong? If I create a teacher profile and add students to the lessons, will there be no need for woocommerce? Problem 2: Yes you are right about a blank page, Can I check after deactivating third-party plugins? - Yes, you can try. Please resolve this issue.
    Our students get a White screen error. How do we solve this problem? When they want to enter the course again in the middle of the training, a white screen appears. null
    Let's resolve the first point and then move forward Point 1: If your course is a paid course and you are adding users manually from Admin Tab and users are not purchasing the course, instead of that you are adding your users in that paid course. Then no need to create orders in woocommerce I hope I am clear with this point
    Most likely cause of white screen is an incompatible plugin. Which course do you see this error ?
    1. I disbaled this legacy setting in your site : 2. White screen issue can not be replicated in your site at all.
    Hello, we see the white screen problem in ISO 14001 Çevre Yönetim Sistemleri İç Denetçi ​Training. Some of the students get a white screen error in this course Ads-z
    The first point is to NOT USE ANY SETTING IN WHICH WE HAVE MENTIONED LEGACY Checking this course and then let you know
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